The SADC UAM Fundraising Gala Dinner
Kings and Queens came from all dimension of the SADC Region, to come help make a change in Soutb Africa, where the first ever university of African Medicine will be built. The SADC UAM fundrasing gala dinner was not only about dinning but it was a meeting where great minds had come together to see how they mend together their strategies and minds to see that the University will stand. This is not only for our present legends but also for those who will come after to continue the legacy of African Traditional Medicine. We would like to thank all organization who came together to gift the project in what ever possible way they could just to see the University campus up.
Giyani Meeting
Forward with Unity is what the SADC UAM promotes, an institution where the power of diversity is the key to our success. We yet again came together with legends and African Doctors who shared the same vision as we do, which is building the institution into a home where all our African Doctors can fulfill dreams they thought would never become a reality.
The SADC University Of African Medicine aims to build a home where African Doctors will be able to gain access to health and wealth. We as the SADC UAM welcome everyone one who is willing to donate for the SADC UAM to stand tall for all its children, to stand tall for all its African Doctors. Help us raise the SADC FLAGS HIGH.
We need your hands to expand the circle and your feet to help us stand tall, because together we make a difference. FORWARD WITH UNITY
2023 Graduation Ceremony
We appreciate those who speak the same language as us, those who share the same vision we share. It is always an honor to be in the same space with people who want to make change within the SADC region and all over the world by empowering Africans and their various gifts they carry within them. We would like to thank everyone who became part of this wonderful success.
Kruger National Park
The 31st of August was a day that thousands will never forget but keep in their memories as this was the day history was yet again made. The SADC Association which is the birth of the SADC UAM in partnership with the Kruger National Park will be ensuring that African Medicine doctors will be having access to herbs which will be planted by the Kruger National Park into the Universities premises in Malamulele, where all students of the SADC UAM will have easy access to the herbs. This is indeed a brighter future for our African Medicine Doctors and a life changing moment for the future healers who will come after us to continue the legacy which the SADC UAM family has built.
Chinese Herbalists
A great meeting with Dr Xuesheng Ma, from the Faculty of School of Natural Science (Chinese Medicine) at University of Western Cape. We have learned a lot from the great Dr Ma and his teachings, we are looking forward to healing and using Chinese herbs to heal the SADC at large. As we look forward to a brighter future for our herbalists who have been fighting to make a change in the world.
As we congratulations our first ever University of African Medicine, the SADC University of African Medicine on its building. The first bricks were placed by the brains (Professor Hlati, Professor Mohami, Professor Lekhuleni) behind this wonderful home of African Medicine Doctors on the 18th of May 2022 a day we should all remember. We were honored and welcomed by the chief of Malamulele where the chief himself allowed the SADC UAM building to have its home in the heart of Malamulele.
The Journey has began and the train is still moving, we as the SADC University of African Medicine we did not come this far to get this far.
THE SADC University Of African Medicine's New Home
Dr Mashamba and Radio Bush presenter in Mozambique
Celebrating Dr Christopher Mkhonto
General Muzka
It is always an honor to share memories with souls that make a change in this world, people who see the good in each and everyone. General Muzka a doctor that heals through music, a doctor that yearns to see each and every young African Musican become successful. The SADC University of African Medicine is here to build a greater brighter future for the SADC and ensuring that legends are recognized and appreciated.
Graduation party
DR. Mtshweni's Doctorate Degree
A memorable day it was when the amazing Dr.Mtshweni invited us to witness the beauty of success as she was celebrating her Doctorate Degree, even through the hardships balancing her day to day job as a spiritual mother to more than 10 spiritual children, she went beyond boundaries and still made it to the end of the tunnel. Not only was she celebrating her achievement but as a mother always does, she felt the need to also take her children down the road of a brighter future with the SADC UAM ,they were also awarded with certificates which allows them to also work in their surgeries with legal papers and this did not come easy as they stated but it came through hard work, determination, and the effort they put during their time of learning.
Chibuto Mozambique

As we congratulate the Kings and Queens of The SADC University Of African Medicine on launching the first ever SADC UAM branch in Chibuto Mozambique on the 23rd of December 2021, and not only was that the greatest end of 2021 but also the SADC UAM honored the legendary Doctor Albino Ndimande with a Doctorate in African Medicine.
Mozambique Graduation Ceremony

The minute a human being stops learning they die, and we believe from each and every legend on this pictures we have learned and given a handful, since each of these wonderful souls carry diamonds within them. This is a home we have created for all our gifted people a home where relationships are build and not just for the moment but for centuries to come, a home we have build for the future doctors and professors that the SADC UAM will carry even after we have passed on. Growth is what we seek and growth is what we will find. Remember child of the soil as the great Maya Angelou said " My mission in life is not merely to survive but to strive" and by that we mean together will shall strive.
The first Graduation ceremony

Through hard work and determination lies success, history was made on the 4th of March 2021 when the university held its first time ever graduation ceremony where leaders were awarded with their formal qualifications. African doctors where given a platform of recognition after such a long time of trying to be seen by the world for their work. The SADC University of African Medicine had to step in and made it possible for our African Doctors because that is what our institution does for our diverse African Doctors all over the SADC region. read more..
The first strategic meeting

"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time " said T. S. Eliot
on the 28th of January 2021 the legacy of our generations was strategically born, where minds and hearts hungry for change and success intertwined to formulated objectives and strategies to bring the SADC University Of African Medicine to live. This was no longer just a dream a black man once had in mind but it was transformed into a reality from this day on and fourth. This was not just the SADC UAM's big break but also Christ The Lamb Theological Seminary was also given the platform to associate itself with the first of its kind University.
We could not agree more when Mark Twain said: "The secret of getting ahead is getting started"